Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day Traditions

I slept with my laptop on the floor beside my bed.  When the alarm sounded, I lazily opened the screen and pressed refresh.  It showed the local news website with the school closings listed.  I scanned for my children's school.  I found it.  School was closed.  Aaaahhhh.  The sweet freedom of an unhurried morning.  No scrambled searches for the missing gym sneaker.  No hurried preparation of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  No last minute homework checking.  No shouting up the stairs to stop fighting and finish brushing your teeth!!!!

Instead, a snow day morning means lazily sleeping in.  Waking up to special pancakes.  Snowmen and snow forts.  Hot tea with sugar cubes to revive the soul and warm the fingers.  At our house, snow days mean family days.  Such is the luxury of a teacher father.  At Abby's house, on the first snow day of the year, they make homemade funnel cakes.  So my question is this:  what are the snow day traditions at your house?  If you have any, please share them with us.  I would love to add another piece of family wonder to my favorite days of the year.  If you don't have any, what would you like them to be?


  1. We've had some great responses to this on our Facebook page. Julie Van Loan stated "Pancakes for breakfast (usually chocolate chip) and always hot chocolate with extra marshmallows after playing in the snow.
    I want to know how to make funnel cakes! YUM!" and Virginia Smith-Hayes said "We always did this once a winter when the kids were small~ summer in the middle of winter. We would turn the heat way up 80 degrees, don our summer finest, (usually bathing suits) picnic lunch on the living room floor, hopscotch in the hallway, even a kiddie pool filled in the kitchen! Followed by a b-b-q dinner of burgers, hot dogs, baked beans & potato salad! We even would put on sunscreen purely for the scent!! Ghost stories by flashlight before bedtime. Fun, fun times now great memories!"

  2. Funnel Cake

    1 egg
    2/3 cup milk
    2 Tablespoons sugar
    1 1/4 cup flour
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon baking powder

    Funnel Cake Directions:

    1. In a deep skillet, heat about two cups of oil over medium-high heat until hot. Test the temperature by dropping a pinch of flour into the hot oil. If it sizzles right away without smoking, it's perfect.

    2. Beat egg and milk. Mix all other ingredients in a separate bowl and slowly add to the egg mixture, beating until smooth.

    3. Using a funnel, drop into hot oil working from center outwards in a web pattern. (You can use a gallon sized freezer bag instead of a funnel by pouring the batter into the bag, snipping off a small corner of it, and squeezing the batter into the oil.)

    4. Cook for about 2-3 minutes, remove from the oil when golden brown and crispy.

    5. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.
