Friday, April 22, 2011


When you live in the Adirondacks, there is never a guarantee that your Easter will be warm and sunny. When Easter falls in March, you are almost certainly going to have your egg hunts in the snow. When it falls in April however, you hold your breath and hope for a warm and sunny celebration. This year, it seems the weather is unaware of the impending April holiday. The wind is cold, and there is still snow on the ground in our yard. Nevertheless, there are signs of spring and life all around. And so we take heart. Though the weather may be slow to respond, we still hold on to the new growth and feeble sunshine, being warmed by the knowledge that although snow flurries may still be falling, the winter is over - the spring has come.
Signs of life
Snow Crocuses
Forced blooms to hurry in Spring

Spring blooms in a bouquet
Blooms and Snow